FIRESIDE Press Release - 19 Feb 2019 Hi ZIMBOCASH friends Our press release went out today. You can find it below: Can the Zimbabwe currency situation be solved using innovative technology? Zimbabwe has been ravaged by price increases and shortages of basic...
The real reason fuel prices have spiked

The real reason fuel prices have spiked

FIRESIDE The real reason fuel prices have spiked No-one likes it when prices rise. And particularly when there are shortages.  Zimbabwe is in the hot seat and it’s not because the economy is just doing badly. It has everything to do with money. When prices rise across...
Happy New Year

Happy New Year

FIRESIDE Happy New Year! Hi ZIMBOCASH friends Happy new year! We hope you have had a great festive season. ZIMBOCASH is gaining in momentum.  It is clear in our mind what we’d like to achieve – we want a decentralised currency for Zimbabwe that is fixed in supply and...
What is the value of ZIMBOCASH?

What is the value of ZIMBOCASH?

FIRESIDE Value of ZIMBOCASH   Hi ZIMBOCASH community Our sign-up process is in full swing. One of the most common bits of feedback we have had is: “I don’t understand how I can get something for nothing”. We talked briefly about this in our previous fireside chat...
Our Heart

Our Heart

ZIMBOCASH Fireside Chat: Our Heart Hi ZIMBOCASH community Well, here we are, 12 days into a movement that has the potential to transform Zimbabwe! We’ll be sending you an email regularly to keep you informed of the progress – we call these fireside chats. We’ll talk...