Steps to cash-out if you are a vendor

Steps to cash-out if you are a vendor

FIRESIDE Steps to cash out for ZASH vendors To our ZIMBOCASH FamilyWe trust that the year has started off well for you! What has been brewing? Many of you have been waiting for an update. You asked, and we have been listening. At the end of last year, we told you that...
The ZIMBOCASH app is… Live

The ZIMBOCASH app is… Live

FIRESIDE The ZIMBOCASH app is... Live Dear ZIMBOCASH family We are so proud to announce that the ZIMBOCASH app is live for android users!!! Download it now at the Google Play Store and you can be making payments in minutes.   At ZIMBOCASH, we’re passionate about...
ZIMBOCASH Tour… And now for Harare!

ZIMBOCASH Tour… And now for Harare!

FIRESIDE ZIMBOCASH Tour… And now for Harare! Hi ZIMBOCASH Family Our roadshow around Zimbabwe has been a revelation. Everywhere we have gone, people are suffering from the pain of money printing. The collapsing Zimbabwe dollar, and the rise in prices for ordinary...