And, the winners are ....
If you’re new to the ZIMBOCASH movement, we’ve enabled payments of a sound money token called ZASH. If you’re Zimbabwean you get a free allocation when you verify your ID. You can go online at to sign-in or to sign-up.
Selling on the exchange
Last month, we announced that 10 users would get to sell on the exchange, based on the number of unique accounts they paid. Well, we’re pleased to announce the winners.
Here are the winners (we’ve included only the five letters of their email addresses to protect their identities):
- ndlov…… 93 unique users paid (STAR)
- ghelm…… 72 unique users paid
- simbr…… 69 unique users paid
- andre…… 54 unique users paid
- jacem…… 48 unique users paid
- shelm…… 41 unique users paid
- an2da…… 40 unique users paid
- frankf…… 40 unique users paid
- ntabe…… 39 unique users paid
- zim4n…… 39 unique users paid
You can look out for an email from us. We’ll be communicating with you directly and you’ll need to prepare a video for us. The payments competition is continuing next month as well. Ten users who make the most transfers to unique accounts will be able to sell some of their ZASH on the exchange.
Why not just enable everyone on the exchange?
People have asked why we can’t just enable the sale of the ZASH token on the exchange for everyone.
Our primary goal is to develop a payments network in Zimbabwe between users on-the-ground.
As part of that, we need a market price and we need to attract sufficient liquidity on the exchanges to enable cross border trade.
Liquidity grows over time. It is fragile. There have been a few national airdrop systems that failed because they didn’t take the time to build the payments network directly and everyone sold directly on the exchange pushing the price down. We’ve got to work first on developing peer-to-peer trading network, and as liquidity grows, we can open the exchange up slowly..
For that reason, we will be limiting the amount that users can sell. We want to see users make appropriate transactions, and we will be carefully monitoring the high value individuals who have a lot of ZASH – we want this to be used in daily trade.
Ambassador Application
We’ve been talking to you about our ambassador program. We’re really excited to be launching it.
We’re looking for the people who love ZIMBOCASH. People who are leaders in their communities. People who are making payments to others and signing up their communities. We want to recognise you if that is you. We are building a decentralised movement with leaders in each of their communities. There is a lot of work for our team. And we want to find the best leaders of Zimbabwe to join our ambassador program.
Not everyone will get in. You first need to have received at least 10 First Payment Rewards before you will be able to have an interview.
Our ambassadors will need to do work for us in growing the network – interviewing others, building the social media network, connecting networks. It’s hard work. But so rewarding.
Here is the ambassador application. To emphasise, we will only consider you if you have received at least 10 First Payment Rewards. In other words, when you pay someone and it is their first time to receive payment, once they verify their ID you get an extra 100 ZASH. If you’ve done this ten times, it says to us that you’re growing the network in the right way and we want to recognise you.
We will only be receiving up to 100 new Ambassadors for now.
If that is you, please fill out the Ambassador Application form:
We’re loving growing the network with you. ZASH is the future of Zimbabwe and it is the future of the world.
We had a great interview with Heart & Soul. If you haven’t yet watched it you can check it out here: